Anastasia Menachem

Anastasia Menachem advocates for truth, freedom, and sovereignty of expression.

Through her life journey, she has found these traits within the allies and teachers of plant/animal medicines.

Witnessing the beautiful, intense, and magically transformative effects (within herself and others), Anastasia wishes to share her wisdom and love of transversing through the alchemical fire of initiation into the green pastures of wholeness of self.

Before delving into the medicine path, Anastasia searched for her truth through Traditional Western education. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Studio Art from Salem College, North Carolina.

The way in which human beings uniquely navigate their world, whether it be through the psyche of daily life or how their heart’s shown on a canvas, has always invigorated her. Moving into Kambo was absolutely magical, continuously creating new changes and alignment within her life. As one version of life fell away, Kambo stepped in, shining a bright light down her path. It directed her towards her life’s purpose as a traveling medicine woman, assisting others in shining their own unique signature on the world.

Anastasia works with other aids in healing modalities, such as Hapé and Sananga, during her ceremonies. She is certified in a Level 3 Reiki Masters class and is open to combining this skill set with Kambo medicine during sessions. In the Fall of 2021, Anastasia will also become a facilitator for Huachuma cactus medicine, adding onto her medicinal tool belt.

Additionally, she is an artist to the core, spreading the rainbow of life in more ways than one. She works with a wide range of materials, mediums, and themes. From sketches to oil paintings, to large scale murals and other architectural paintings. If called, integration work can be accompanied by creative expression. In this way, creating powerful pieces to either release to the fire or hold close for many days to come.

Anchored in Ormond Beach, Florida (originally from Miami Beach), Anastasia is gladly open to traveling to various regions to spread her work to others who seek radical transformation. She is open and ready to serve however she can. Aho!