Frederico Wiedemann

In the inner realms, Frederico has been exploring the Healing Arts since he crashed his car as a drunk teenager. 

Throughout his 50+ year career, he has deliberately synthesized energy medicine, somatic experience, neuroscience, wisdom traditions, evolutionary psychology, yoga, solo vision quests, professional dance and world travel adventures, spirituality, meditation, mindfulness, and a PhD in clinical psychology (see is a deep, passionate and loving man — a wise elder.

He has recently experienced the profound healing and bio-psycho-spiritual power of three plant-based medicines (Kambo, Hape and Sananga) from the Amazon Rain Forest Indigenous Tribes. 

And out in the “real world”, at 73 years old, he is a renaissance kind of guy — healer, mentor, scholar and published authorFounder and Director of two nonprofits; community activist; previous Human Resources VP for an entrepreneurial start-up rocketing to $50,000,000 sales; poet of over 200 poems; and a 45 year coaching and mentoring practice for those wanting clarity and connection with their deeper soul.